2170 Dundas St W, Toronto ON M6R 1X3
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Mojo Cycles, near the corner of Dundas West and Roncesvalles, first began in 2002 as a LoGiudice family operation in Parkdale. Under the care of the late Agostino LoGuidice, Mojo Cycles, which stocked mostly second-hand items, thrived. The business expanded north when son Joe opened shop under the same name in 2011. While the Parkdale store takes a more established approach to bikes, Joe asserts, “I always wanted to do my own thing with a little twist.”

Moving up Roncesvalles paid off. “The neighbourhood is good! It’s changing. There’s a lot going on,” Joe explains. He’s taken a different approach to his store, throwing in personal touches for a new kind of bike store. Best of all, Mojo Cycles serves all kinds, from triathletes to weekend explorers of the Railpath nearby.

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