Aroma Restaurant

Type de restaurant

  • Lounge,
  • Restaurant gastronomique,
  • Grilladerie,
  • Bar,

Type de cuisine

  • Méditerranéenne,
  • Portugaise,
  • Française,
  • Grecque,
  • Italienne,
  • Espagnole,


  • Steak,
  • Dessert,
  • Fruits de mer,
  • Poulet,
  • Salade,
  • Rôti d'agneau,
    • Rôti de boeuf,
    • Crevettes,
    • Surf & turf,
  • plus...
  • moins...


  • Décontractée,
  • Familial,

Langues parlées

  • Italien,
  • Portugais,
  • Français,
  • Espagnol,
  • Anglais,
1-717 Richmond St, London ON N6A 1S2
Information utile

Heures d'ouverture *Horaire des Fêtes

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Évaluations et commentaires - Aroma Restaurant

Quelle note donneriez-vous à cette entreprise?
  • Excellent
  • Très bien
  • Bien
  • Faible
  • Mauvais
  • Atmosphère:
  • Nourriture:
  • Service:

Excellent food can't make up for the rest

Went as part of Londonlicious 2012 and was sadly disappointed. We were seated not in the main dining room but rather the meeting space off the main room. The room was in poor shape with broken, stained and missing ceiling tiles, missing covers on electrical receptacles, and the background music was so loud at times it was tough to carry on a conversation with my spouse. Appetizers (Cream of Seafood Soup and Bibb Salad) and main course (Chicken Supreme) were all excellent, dessert less so. My chocolate cake was slightly stale and the lemon meringue pie was more meringue than lemon. Unfortunately, we felt quite rushed during the meal - almost as if they couldn't wait to free up our table. Although we in no particular hurry, from the time we were seated until the bill arrived was less than an hour. The server never introduced himself by name and within a minute of clearing the dishes from one course the next was arriving at the table. All in all, although the food was good I'm not sure it will be enough to get me in the door again.

Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

Visually a great spot - food?

It is lovely inside. But I'm not too sure about my dinner. The lobster soup, was really a cream sauce for pasta - it was THAT thick & the thought of it, is making me ill. I love lobster soups/chowders/bisque. I actually only went here for this soup! So I was quite disappointed with it. The flavours were good & there was actual lobster meat, but I can not get past how grossly thick this was - again, think sauce not soup! Next was a very tiny piece of stuffed (asiago, tomato, basil) chicken - it was tender but had to search to find any of the stuffed ingredients. Mashed potatoes that were unimpressive, a few veggies that were okay. Dessert was their trio, creme brule, chocolate mousse & fresh berries (which were not berries, instead cantaloupe, grapes, melon). The brule & mousse were okay. Nothing from my dinner would actually make me return. That being said, I wouldn't be opposed to trying something else there. The service was great & again the atmosphere is lovely - the huge, high openess is perfect.

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Great Decor and Atmoshere; Good Food but...

The decor and atmosphere are excellent and the two times I went there was live entertainment which added to the ambience, thought it was louder than I would have liked. It does have an old-world Meditteranean quality which I enjoy but for some reason it seemed a little commercial. The food was good and the portions were decent; Service was adequate. Putting it all together, the experience was positive though it left me wanting for something that I cannot put my finger on.

Atmosphère: 5/5
Nourriture: 4/5
Service: 3/5
Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

A Wonderful 5-Star Atmosphere

Richmond Row (So-called locally) is a collection of, generally speaking,, nondescript businesses and restaurants located on Richmond Street, south of Oxford Street. The main entrance of the Aroma restaurant is set back on Piccadilly Street with another small entrance on Richmond Street. Entering from either door, one should be totally amazed by the wonderful low level dining area set three stories beneath a large glass ceiling. Climbing plants are in abundance and antique artifacts are located in every nook and cranny. Although large, the dining area is well arranged and, during my lunch time visit, only three tables were in use - nevertheless, the atmosphere did not give me a dwarfed feeling. It was fortunate that there was so much to look at because for a very long time no staff appeared and it was necessary to resort to a large bell on the maitre’d stand ... which had little effect. Finally, a puffing and panting server arrived as if there was a full house ... a stance that continued throughout my visit. I started with an excellent cream of lobster soup and, personally, felt that the “dash of Port” was unnecessary, The main course was a grilled piri piri (Type of spice) chicken served with both rice and french fries. Before serving, the server asked if I would like tomato ketchup for the fries - the aura of fine dining was beginning to fade. I asked for time to decide because the menu stated that the dish would have a pepper sauce. Not surprisingly, the dish arrived sans sauce ... and I accepted the offer of ketchup - necessary, because, although huge, the chicken had totally lost any succulence. I would have been unable to finish but for a decent glass of Canadian Merlot. Incidentally, I do not consider rice and fries an acceptable replacement for vegetables. I left thinking sad that such a wonderful five-star atmosphere can be reduced by a couple of stars due to low standards in the kitchen ... and wondered how many people knew that Portugal is not a Mediterranean country.

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