
Type de restaurant

  • Pub,

Langues parlées

  • Anglais,
1481 Greenbank Rd, Nepean ON K2J 4Y6
Information utile

Heures d'ouverture *Horaire des Fêtes

Vérifier avec le marchand


  • 11 $ à 25 $,

Modes de paiement:

Évaluations et commentaires - The Barley Mow

Quelle note donneriez-vous à cette entreprise?
  • Excellent
  • Très bien
  • Bien
  • Faible
  • Mauvais
  • Atmosphère:
  • Nourriture:
  • Service:

New menu is a let-down

Have always enjoyed dropping into the Mow for dinner and drinks with friends, but a recent menu change removed a lot of the more interesting menu options and has reduced this place to having more of a cookie-cutter menu. "Mundane" may be too harsh a description, but it's a direct reflection of how much we liked the variety that could be found on the menu previously. We'll likely still go back, but more for drinks and snacks rather than for meals.

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This Irish-style pub eatery has the right...

This Irish-style pub eatery has the right combination of welcome and good service. The staff is courteous and displays a sensible 'extra mile' attitude which is seldom found in many venues. We were there in mid-afternoon so the place was a tad quiet and hence the atmosphere when patrons flock could not be sensed at that time but I felt the place could use a little lift in the decor department... something was amiss and did not quite do it for me on that level but I would not discount this place for anything truly as our experience there was a very good one and other patrons no doubt felt the same. The naturally smoked salmon platter was great aside that I have never tried this type of salmon before ...a thick chunk which seemed a tad dry but as I ate I acquired a taste for it and my palate agreed. I loved the soft cheese as a spread for the bread - delicious. My friend's hamburger was to his taste yet at first glance his fries could have been done a little less dark or perhaps in another oil but still he seemed to enjoy them. Our server was attentive and did not fail to return to see if everything was to our liking or if we needed anything during the meal. Excellent service with a smile. But above all, the great personable staff's service we got was enough to make this place one to go back to. On this point I cannot state enough. We made a simple request for something particular and the manager came over and granted this while at another venue we had been refused this very simple thing we were willing to pay for. They proved to us that this place cares about its patrons and they are willing to go the little extra mile on requests which are not unreasonable. This simple gesture made my day and I expressed this to them. Although I had been an adept of raw smoked salmon, the discovery I made there would certainly have me try it again. There is an outdoor terrace and people were all having a good time.

Atmosphère: 4/5
Nourriture: 4/5
Service: 5/5
Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

Food was good, could have used a little less...

Food was good, could have used a little less grease on the fries and a little more dressing on the caesar but overall it was a good dinner.

Atmosphère: 4/5
Nourriture: 4/5
Service: 4/5
Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

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