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  • Anglais,
100-933 17 Ave SW, Calgary AB T2T 5R6
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Josh Stoddart has been working in restaurants since he was old enough to get a job. He’s done everything from washing dishes and making take-out pizza to serving and managing. He fell for the magic of the kitchen and then for co-worker and chef Amelia Stoddart.

Since then, this husband-and-wife duo has shared a life that revolves around food, wine and hospitality. After working together in some of Calgary’s best Italian restaurants, they opened their first venture, Full Circle Pizza & Oyster Bar in 2016. Unlike the fine dining environments in which they previously worked, Full Circle is relaxed and casual. “We wanted to do something that’s a little bit more approachable and affordable,” says Josh. “We decided we’d do pizza because it has a broad following.”

In the open kitchen towards the back, a wood-fired pizza oven is the star of the Full Circle culinary show, and is visible from any seat in the restaurant's narrow, rectangular space.

It’s a come-as-you-are kind of place with an easygoing feel. Its soundtrack is classic and funky sounds by the likes of James Brown and Ray Charles. The staff, (including Josh and Amelia) are clad in crisp, white shirts, red suspenders and colourful bowties handmade by Josh himself. A kitschy play on words, the mathematical pi symbol and accompanying equations are displayed on the walls. These decorations imply a touch of nerd-like obsession. “We’re pretty nerdy about food and wine and pizza and cocktails,” explains Amelia.

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