Lifemark Physiotherapy South Trail
69-4307 130th Avenue SE, Calgary AB T2Z 3V8
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Évaluations et commentaires - Lifemark Physiotherapy South Trail

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    The staff at the Lifemark South Trail Physiotherapy are amazing! They are extremely friendly and get to know all their clients. I is always a positive experience when I go for treatment. I also can say that Richard is one of the best physios. He has helped me deal with a couple sports injuries and has been extremely professional. I would highly recommend Richard and his team!

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    I have been going...

    I have been going to Physio and massage at Horizon (Life mark)for many years. I have had nothing but a good experience. They always find the root cause of my issues, always do what they can to help. Some people think physio is a one stop shop to be better, but its takes commitment on the patients part too. The physiotherapists helped my husband out in a massive way. I also get massage done there and I would never go anywhere else. :)

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Physiotherapy is so USELESS it’s scary!!

    I had tendonitis in BOTH of my shoulders which, in every practitioner’s opinion was highly unusual. I did not injure myself in any way that I could think of and my condition had deteriorated to the point that I had trouble dressing myself. It was extremely frustrating for me to be this debilitated and not even know what was causing this. Going for physiotherapy twice a week for several weeks eased the discomfort somewhat but did very little in restoring my former mobility. What was most disconcerting though, was that the physiotherapists (I saw more than one of them) couldn’t tell me the root cause of my problem and didn’t even seem interested in finding it! I would think that in order for any professional to successfully treat a patient, they would have to have a handle on what’s wrong in the first place so they can properly treat the problem! To make a very long story short, I am now seeing a massage therapist and now have about 90 percent of my mobility back and very little discomfort. She is trained in India and does muscle stripping – an extremely painful but effective treatment. She told me that almost all mobility issues (including inflamed tendons) are caused by extreme muscle tightness. The thing is, Horizon Physiotherapy has a massage therapist on staff and NOT ONCE was it suggested I go for that kind of treatment! (I ended up going for a massage at Horizon on my own but that therapist seemed to have the same attitude as the physiotherapists and didn’t deliver what I would call an effective massage.)

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

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