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When university business professor Patti Derbyshire hit midlife, she didn’t get depressed and buy a new sports car. She launched a one-of-a-kind, boutique-motorcycle company for women by women.

Having ridden motorcycles since she was 12 years old, Patti realized it was time to fill a niche that needed filling. Born three years ago, Torch Motorcycles researches, designs and hand-crafts motorcycles to meet the physiological needs of the female rider – where bigger isn’t better.

“Every motorcycle manufacturer is building a bigger machine – they’re almost like small cars without doors now,” says Patti, CEO of Torch and chair of entrepreneurship, marketing and social innovation at Mount Royal University. “It really speaks to the issue that modern motorcycle manufacturers are selling to women, but they’re not building for women. Torch is not about speed and power. We’re about the user - fit and comfort, which are ultimately super important to women's confidence.”

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