Al Salam Bakery Deli & Restaurant

Langues parlées

  • Anglais,
  • Arabe,
3-10141 34 Ave NW, Edmonton AB T6E 6J8
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There's no doubt that ethnic cuisine has added a great deal of diversity to the dining scene in Edmonton. And while some cultures have greater representation in the culinary landscape of the city, others manage to have just a few restaurants offering food reflective of their heritage. Such is the case with Al Salam Bakery and Restaurant, located in the deep south of Edmonton. The Lebanese store – probably one of a handful throughout the city – makes a trip across town worthwhile, not only because of its unique cuisine, but due to its value-added amenities as well.

"It's a bakery, grocery store and restaurant, so it's all three in one," says Mohamad Araji, Al Salam's manager. "And we deliver pita bread to other restaurants in the city." Adding to the charm of the place is the fact that it's a family-owned business, and the service is reflective of that character – you're certain to be treated with warmth when you make your order.

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