

  • Barbecue,
  • Cuisine maison,
  • Grillades,


  • Restaurant accessible en fauteuil roulant,


  • Familiale,

Langues parlées

  • Anglais,
1550 Philip Ave, North Vancouver BC V7P 2V8
Information utile

Heures d'ouverture *Horaire des Fêtes

Vérifier avec le marchand


  • < 10 $,

Modes de paiement:

Évaluations et commentaires - Tomahawk Barbecue

Quelle note donneriez-vous à cette entreprise?
  • Excellent
  • Très bien
  • Bien
  • Faible
  • Mauvais
  • Atmosphère:
  • Nourriture:
  • Service:

Great food...slow food and service no AC!!

We came in on a Sunday for lunch and got sat at the bar since there were no tables available... The restaraunt had so much to look at we were in awe at all the native artifacts. It took about 10 mins of waitresses walking by us as if we were invisible until finally my husband asked if we could order a beverage and look at a menu. She came back with our drinks and walked away with out asking us if we were ready, which we were so we sat there for another 10 mins until we waved down another person for service. Our food took 45 mins to come out in that 45 mins we got up looked around looked inthe shop the y have by the entrance and even got a few papers and mags to read. It was super hot in there and we just wanted our food so we could leave. Finally our food arrived We ordered the beef dip ( as we had seen it on diners drive in and dives) our food was very delicious I must say but the wait was just too long. We then waited another 10 for our bill and for a server to bring us my wrapped up leftovers. Beef dip was 16 dollars or so which was pretty expensive. I can get the same thing at a local pub for 9.99. Overall my experience was pretty bad... U wish I didn't feel that way but I did... They need to work on there timing and have more servers working during such busy times. At one point I saw our waitress just walk back and forth drinking some pop while the others did laps around her. If she was on a break she should be in a back room not out in public like that it made a bad impression also one last thing ( I know I have been ranting alot) the owner omg he stood in the way of the servers the entire time! Maybe he should help them rather then stand there watching there every move... Creepy! I hope your experience will be better then mine.

Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

best in town

best back bacon in town, i have been going here with my family for over 30 years - out of towners, you MUST try.

Atmosphère: 4/5
Nourriture: 4/5
Service: 4/5
Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

When I was first brought to this diner the day...

When I was first brought to this diner the day before by a dear friend I was amazed by the feeling of home in this place. There are numbers of interesting native articles and items from yesteryear. Also an excellent spot for wirless if you have Hot Spot. I have recommended this place to a dear friend as well. I will definitely be returning, you don't see places like this anymore. Very pleased.

Atmosphère: 5/5
Nourriture: 5/5
Service: 5/5
Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

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