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  • Anglais,
1206 Commercial Dr, Vancouver BC V5L 3X4
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Commercial Drive is a haven for independent small businesses, and dandelion KIDS is no exception. In fact, that’s what drew owner Carrie Luo to the business in 2013 when she bought it from the original owners. “I loved that they carried lots of organic clothing, as well as things like organic toothpaste and classic wooden toys from around the world,” she says.

Since taking on the business Carrie is staying true to dandelion’s roots while still putting her own stamp on things. She has kept the eco-friendly focus the store is known for and continues to support community events and initiatives but she’s also always on the lookout for toys kids and their parents can play with together. "These days when you’re at a restaurant or the library you see kids on their devices and parents on their devices and they’re not talking to each other," Carrie explains. "We want to stock toys that encourage them to talk together.”

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