Koko Monk Chocolates
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1849 1st Ave W, Vancouver BC V6J 5B8
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Koko Monk Chocolates owner Paul Dincer didn’t always want to work with handmade chocolate. In his twenties, he was a published writer, travelling the world and looking for new challenges. He began pursuing the path toward chocolate when he discovered his interest and ability in making pastries. Pastry eventually led to chocolate, and after a period of training, Paul dedicated himself to chocolates and soon began selling his creations in local farmers' markets.

At the time Paul began, “there were not too many companies in Canada making their own chocolates,” he says. This became a “tremendous competitive edge” for Koko Monk Chocolates, as the customers he was meeting in farmers' markets were already in tune with local and sustainable processes. Generally, he says, most companies source their chocolate from larger importers and incorporate it into their baking, but Paul begins all the way back at the cocoa bean itself. This approach resonated with customers and his business began to take off, specifically in Kitsilano—Paul's favourite area of Vancouver.

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