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  • Anglais,
902 Millwood Rd, East York ON M4G 1X1
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Craving a delicious grilled cheese sandwich with homemade soup on the side? Then you’ll want to check out Millwood Melt. Offering customers on the east side of Eglinton Avenue delicious sandwiches made from local ingredients, Millwood Melt has quickly earned a reputation for being a cozy sandwich shop for people looking for a high-quality grilled-cheese.

With a menu featuring four main sandwiches, Millwood Melt has something for everyone’s tastes. “Our most popular is probably the Green Machine sandwich, which has avocados, fresh basil pesto, and delicious Monterey Jack,” says Steve D’Amico, the owner of the restaurant. “However, our other three sandwiches are also huge hits.

From the Tuna Kahuna and the Hamelot, which features smoked ham and caramelized onions, to the Rise and Shine, which includes bacon and scrambled eggs, all of our sandwiches are delicious.”

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