
Langues parlées

  • Anglais,
301 James St N, Hamilton ON L8R 2L4
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Heures d'ouverture *Horaire des Fêtes

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  • 11 $ à 25 $,

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The spirit of Jack and Lois Bowden lives on in their grandson Eric Bowden’s diner, Jack & Lois. “They were two of the best people. I dedicated this restaurant to them,” explains Eric. Whether it is the eclectic décor that Eric terms “colonial Hawaiian,” the Hawaiian-inspired mural in the back patio, his grandmother’s artwork, the commissioned portrait of his grandparents, or even the arborite tables and Victorian damask wallpaper that harkens back to his grandparents’ house, Jack and Lois are forever present.

Eric teamed up with chef Shane McCartney to create the restaurant’s test menu after years of observing the discerning palates of crews whom he worked with in the film industry as a set decorator and assistant production coordinator. “I realized that I knew what people would like to eat,” Eric says.

Since the restaurant is billed as a creative gourmet diner that serves fresh local products prepared using the kitchen’s own recipes, current executive chef Dez is given carte blanche to dream up daily features. Eric also dabbles in the kitchen. “I’m always tinkering with recipes,” he admits. With past chef Murray Parro, the two created a menu that features such favourites as The Chancellor, a juicy breaded chicken sandwich, and The Black Mamba Burger, a vegetarian’s indulgence.

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