
Produits et services

  • Fournitures de vinification,
  • Équipement de vinification,

Langues parlées

  • Anglais,
3407 Yonge St, North York ON M4N 2M8
Information utile

Heures d'ouverture *Horaire des Fêtes

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Ce contenu est uniquement en anglais

Howard Kaizer’s hobby of winemaking inspired him to start his own craft winery, which is named after a famous Persian poem by Omar Qayyam. A Jug of Wine has been in business since 1995, and Howard's knack for conversation and helping people produce award-winning wines are key to his success and longevity in the business. “I was in the coffee business in the past, and decided it was time for me to get out,” says Howard. “I sold that business, and from its ashes I built up A Jug of Wine.”

Deciding on a location for his new business took some innovative research. “I would go around different neighbourhoods when the Blue Box recycling program was initiated,” says Howard. “I would count wine bottles in peoples boxes! It turned out to be a good move because this side of Toronto sure has its’ share of oenophiles.” Howard found his wine-making operation was accepted into the neighbourhood very quickly, even though it began as a small grassroots business. One customer at a time, A Jug of Wine steadily built up its clientele.

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