
Type de cuisine

  • cuisine américaine,


  • restauration rapide,
  • hamburger,
660 Montréal Rd, Ottawa ON K1K 0T3
Information utile


  • < 10 $,

Évaluations et commentaires - Harvey's 2228

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  • Excellent
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  • Mauvais
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had a bad experience but mgr improved it nicely

I chose take out for my son's birthday at home, ordering was an experience all its own, started on web site at home where no prices available nor a list of what can be ordered either?? went in person got a girl unhappy with her job, not interested in being there, no idea how to calculate money or items, or write up a bill, no interest just pointed to the wall and advise it was all written there, while waiting for order, noticed overcharge (she could not calculate how much back to me - went to Mgr and he was mistaken as well) say a staff member (server) reach over the counter while awaiting an order, and reach into french fries and pick them up with her hands (ungloved) and actually stook there in the kitchen and ate them, unnoticed, undetected by anyone as if it was an everyday occurance!! imaging, when ready got some money back, had to tell the cashier that if she was having a bad day not to share it with me. Home to find I have lumpy cold gravy I did not order and not chalet dipping sauce (is that not why we order swiss chalet?) I was so upset I wrote on the web site with my comment from my bill and the manager called me back a couple of days or so later and is sending a gift certificate to us along with his sincere apologies to try and make it up to us for this poor experience. This is why I will go back again and give them another opportunity to whoo me! Too bad it was a bad birthday experience, but koodoos for Management for responding to my concerns by phoning in person and offering to make things better, I'll try if you will!

Atmosphère: 2/5
Nourriture: 4/5
Service: 1/5
Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

love this place

you can always count on lunch to be the same, great! When you have food allergies is nice to know you can count on a place to be the same each time. A truly enjoyable experience.

Atmosphère: 4/5
Nourriture: 4/5
Service: 4/5
Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

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