Serious Cheese
1189 Bank St, Ottawa ON K1S 3X7
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    Best Grilled Cheese... EVER.

    Oh Serious Cheese! I have a love hate relationship with you. Mostly love, with a little bit of hate for betraying me. Here's the story. I discovered Serious Cheese with a friend in September of last year, in their first week or so of being open. We stopped in to look around but were enticed by the delicious looking Serious Grilled Cheese, so we both ordered one. Cheddar and Gouda on rye... how could you go wrong? Well the answer, you can't. It was, hands down, the best grilled cheese I have ever had in my life. My friend and I were so excited about this marvellous find that we took our two other friends there later that week. Four people had now ordered the Serious Grilled Cheese and all had agreed it was easily the best grilled cheese we had ever eaten. (Not to mention the service was amazing! The servers were very friendly and informative and once gave me a free cheesestick because my grilled cheese was taking a while). However, the story turns sour. I returned to Serious Cheese every few weeks to get a taste of that delicious, crispy sandwich, until one time... they changed it. Dun dun dunnnn... The rye bread, which, in my opinion MADE the sandwich was switched for a multigrain bread that was coated with sunflower seeds. I ate that sandwich, and yes, it was pretty good, but it did not come near to measuring up to its delicious predecessor. I have never returned since.

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