
Type de cuisine

  • Mexicaine,


  • Décontractée,

Langues parlées

  • Anglais,
933 St Clair Ave W, Toronto ON M6C 1C7
Information utile

Heures d'ouverture *Horaire des Fêtes

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Ce contenu est uniquement en anglais

“People often ask why we can’t be open 24 hours a day,” says Jahaziel Moreno, manager of Tenoch Restaurant. “We’re a family place and we need time together as a family! But we are open 5 days a week.”

Jahaziel is out front while his mother Laticia, father Juan and sister Haydee are in the kitchen cooking up the delicious Mexican food that has pleased Tenoch’s loyal customers since its opening in 2010.

“My mom and dad had a restaurant in Mexico City where we sold all kinds of hearty take-out dishes for lunch and dinner,” recalls Jahaziel. “We came to Toronto in 2008 and it was a dream of my dad's to open a restaurant locally. We made it happen.”

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