The Wisdom of Woof
165 Balliol St, Toronto ON M4S 1C2
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There are many breeds of dogs, each with their own personality. So when you combine all the different dog body types with all the different temperaments, it becomes easy to see that no two canines are alike. Jennifer Legere was aware of this when she started The Wisdom of Woof, knowing that each dog would need its own individualized treatment plan for training and behaviour techniques.

“It depends on the dog, of course; it depends on the person, it depends on the location, and it depends on the history,” says Jennifer. “Let’s say there’s an Alaskan malamute and it’s six years old, and it’s owned by a 28-year-old male who’s very tall and muscular. And say he gets a girlfriend, who is five-feet tall and very petite, and she tries to walk the dog — she’s going to have difficulty because this is a sled dog that is bred to pull.”

Jennifer notes that sledding dogs are put into harnesses, which is great when they’re working, but can cause problems when owners try and take them on walks in the city. With her deep knowledge of dog breeds and behaviours, she’ll take a look at what kind of equipment would work best for a dog.

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