Brewsters Brewing Co & Restaurant

Type de restaurant

  • Pub,


  • Restaurant avec bar,

Langues parlées

  • Anglais,
200-3 Stonegate Dr Nw, Airdrie AB T4B 0N2
Information utile

Heures d'ouverture *Horaire des Fêtes

Vérifier avec le marchand


  • 11 $ à 25 $,

Modes de paiement:

Évaluations et commentaires - Brewsters Brewing Co & Restaurant

Quelle note donneriez-vous à cette entreprise?
  • Excellent
  • Très bien
  • Bien
  • Faible
  • Mauvais
  • Atmosphère:
  • Nourriture:
  • Service:

Best deck and place for a beer in Airdrie!

Love their beers on-tap, so unique. Great food, far better than you are going to see at any other regular pub. The deck gets quite busy in the summer, so get there early!

Atmosphère: 5/5
Nourriture: 5/5
Service: 5/5
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This restaurant definitely themes itself around its dual brewing company/restaurant nature. Right upon entrance, there was a huge glass cabinet of wine, and the dining room and bar were both visible from the entrance. The color scheme of browns, beiges, and the like, was comfortable and went very well with the lowered lighting (which I believe is a must-have, blinding light does not make an enjoyable dining experience). We waited three or four minutes, as the wait staff was only just coming on and rather than sit us alone and unserved at a table, they had us wait in the lobby. This was good to see, as they could have easily had us sit in the dining room for six minutes without service, and had us disappointed in our waitress. Speaking of which, our waitress was a gem. She was absolutely amazing, knowing every answer to our questions and fulfilling our every whim. My only complaint was her perfume, which was mildly overpowering, but which could not detract from her perfect service. We started the meal with chicken wings, and were pleased to see that they came with wet naps to clean our fingers after consumption. While the wings only mildly tasted of salt and pepper, the restaurant's mustard that comes with them was delicious. I don't think I can properly describe it, and the wings were elevated to delightful heights when dipped in this sweet nectar. I think the mustard was my favorite thing I had to eat all night. I'd buy a liter of it at a time if possible. Their menu is not overly complex or large, but manages to provide options for everyone. For example, they have nine burger options, but: three are beef, two are chicken, one's a veggie burger, two are bison, and one is lamb. Combined with the different toppings the different burgers get, and instead of a menu of 'hamburger, cheeseburger, bacon cheeseburger, mushroom cheeseburger, etc.', you get proper choice, and actually there's too many good sounding choices to choose quickly. My steak sandwich was great, very tasty and well-seasoned, with delicious rosemary bread. The steak came with a caesar salad in a cup, which was quite tasty, but did come with few croutons and no bacon bits. It also came with mushrooms, which were really tasty, and the perfect texture of cooked mushrooms, with that little bit of squishy give, but they did only serve me five. My company and I decided that they focused their attention on the menu item proper, as her burger was huge and yet also came with little in the way of extras. My mushrooms were few, and even our caesar salad sides were smaller than average. Even our appetizer only came with two celery sticks, and two carrot sticks, where we would normally have expected to see four of each at least. Some menu items are rather more expensive, like their full steak, but the price range only breaks over 25$ when purchasing those few items (like main menu steak, 21 dollars). Otherwise, unless ordering an appetizer for one person, the price range is amazingly reasonable for the quality of the food and service. Edit: Having eaten further at Brewsters, it must be noted that some of their menu items are decidedly lower quality than others, being a bit overdone (I personally find their burgers are too eclectic for my tastes), but still quite good regardless.

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