Mofo Barber Boys
9-718 17 Ave SW, Calgary AB T2S 0B7
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Eric Wu, owner of Mofo Barber Boys since 2012, believes that you've got style and he wants you to keep it. According to him, the difference between a hair salon and a barbershop is the emphasis on the cut. "After I cut your hair, you can wash it, blow dry it, shake it out, whatever," he says. "Your hair will look exactly as it was when you left the shop."

Don't let the name fool you. Mofo Barber Boys is as comfortable with women's haircuts as it is with men's. The name, says Eric, was a move aimed at differentiating the shop from the numerous other hairdressing salons in the same area.

Eric's areas of expertise include hair tattooing and hair straightening. Tattooing is a process where a barber uses a razor to etch a pattern into the hair. Hair straightening uses chemical treatments similar to those used in perms, but to straighten hair rather than to curl it. Eric notes that hair straightening has been practiced in China for over 20 years, but its popularity hasn't taken the same hold in North America quite yet.

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