Biological Analysis Inc
A-3025 Ness Ave, Winnipeg MB R2Y 2J2
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    Waist of money no help not recommended to go there throwing money aaay for nothing never go again

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    I have seen 7 dif...

    I have seen 7 different doctors prior to seeing Miriam. I have been suffering from severe migraines that last 2-3 weeks, while normal migraines are supposed to last 1-3 days. I have seen two of the best migrane specialist in Winnipeg and they have been unable to successfully help me. I have been on different migraine medication from the weakest to the strongest and none of which have helped. I've also seen other doctors and naturopathic doctor outside the city and they have been unable to help me out as well. I was recommended to see Miriam and I found her to be absolutely incredible. I walked into her office, sat down and without saying a word she told me I was suffering from headaches and migraines. When I asked her how she knew she told me she can tell because of my "twisted" rib aka subluxated rib. Because of this it has contributed to my migraines and other problems I have which I did not know were linked to one problem my rib and spine are crooked. She said it was an easy fix by going to a chiropractor. If only I knew this earlier I could have saved thousands of dollars. I had wasted so much money on all those other doctors that could not help me at all, sending me for 4 unnecessary CT scans and MRI. Mariam was also able to tell me other health related problems such as me being very close to being diabetic, saving me. I was so amazed by her I would definitely recommend her to anyone else. She can help find out your problem and help direct you in the direction to a healthier you, but it is also a commitment that you have to make in order to make these changes in your life to fix any problems yoy may have. Seeing her was worth every penny.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Makes you feel go...

    Makes you feel good after taking recommended products.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

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