Rhino Ready Construction Ltd
300 Wilsey Rd, Fredericton NB E3B 5J1
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    Poor Quality workmanship

    I first hired RRC to sweep my chimneys this past summer 2013. They set up an appointment to come, that date passed without somebody coming to my home or calling to state why they had not arrived. When they finally arrived they cleaned my chimneys. I felt they were professional & they removed several bags of soot from my chimneys. 6 months later (approx.) - 2 weeks ago my house started smoking from the seams of my pipes. I called RRC & explained what was happening & he stated he felt it was clogged again. He stated he would call the following day to arrange a time to come that day. He did not call. I called him again & he then came the following day. He only removed a small amount of soot from my chimneys & did not clean up all of his mess as he did the original time. We started a fire in the wood stove after he left & noticed immediately it was still smoking. I attempted to call him & was unable to reach him so I left a message explaining the pipe was still smoking & would he please call me back. He did not return my call. We continued to try to phone him & were unable to contact. When we went to a friends house & tried to call he answered immediately. He stated he could not come as he was going away & would call the beginning of the next week. We contacted another company to come check the chimney & this company found our chimney with a clog at the top not allowing smoke to properly exit the piping. They also stated the chimney had not been cleaned properly the original time either due to the build up at the top of the chimney. RRC cleaned the chimney from inside the house. The second company cleaned from the roof & they could visibly see the condition of the pipe.

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