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“I wasn’t even looking to open a store, but my father heard of a great deal so it happened quickly,” says Stephanie Tompkins, owner of Detailz Hair Salon. Stephanie had been cutting hair from her home, but jumped into business ownership with both feet in 2011. Since then, she has enjoyed considerable success because of the close attention and quality care she offers her clientele. “I have a loyal clientele and I book off extra time for them," she says. "I’m not ever rushing, overlapping or double-booking.”

Customer care is a top priority at Detailz Hair Salon. Stephanie and her stylists build trusting relationships with their clients and that has led to getting a lot of referrals. “I feel really good about the salon’s success, but at the same time I think the pressure’s on not to screw up,” says Stephanie. She uses that pressure as a motivator to continue to add services to the salon.

Évaluations et commentaires - Media Centre

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At the end of my ...

At the end of my years with this salon I was treated horribly. In the end I was offered a solution to an ongoing problem and had an appointment booked. When I arrived for the appointment, nothing that was booked in for happened. Don't offer a solution and book someone in then not render the services discussed. I'm left with next to nothing eyelashes, damaged hair, extensions that were not put in correctly, very poorly blended hair, knotted hair extensions (that they sell to you) and debt!!!

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I am really pleas...

I am really pleased to get my haircut from this salon which is great. The staff is very courteous and experienced, therefore my experience has gone well with them. I have got my desired haircut, and it's affordable. I can't recommend enough to their great efforts and awesome customer service.

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unless you have all day...don't bother

My appointment was for 2:30 in the afternoon with Stephanie. I showed up at 2:25 and all three girls were busy with clients so NO ONE said hi. I sat down and waited for my appointment. I finally went up to one of the girls at 2:45 to ask when Stephanie would be available; it didn't look like any of the three girls were close to being finished. The stylist that I talked to pointed at one of the girls and said she was finishing up. By 3pm, Stephanie hadn't said so much as hi to me and her client still had wet hair. Needless to say, unless you have ALL DAY, don't waist your time.

Service: 1/5
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