
Produits et services

  • #achatlocalenligne,
2984 Bloor St W, Etobicoke ON M8X 1B9
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Heures d'ouverture *Horaire des Fêtes

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Carriage Trade is unlike the quirky, crowded boutiques or the soulless big box stores that currently divide the retail landscape. The sunlit, spacious two-storey women's fashion house has the warm familiarity of a small, local boutique combined with the elegant ambience of an upscale department store. Friendly service from the stylists and the open-air design of the store, with its large windows and carefully curated sections, make this store stand alone.

According to owner Nori Mirza-Kane, the welcoming, less pretentious approach that she and her staff embrace is a natural expression of who they are. Carriage Trade is very much a part of the community. “When I was first setting up the new phone line, the rep from the phone company was excited to hear it was for Carriage Trade,” Nori recalls. “She said that she shopped here all the time, and her mother did, and her grandmother before her. Shopping here is a tradition that is very sentimental for a lot of our local ladies.”

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