Tranquil Body Solutions
926 Paisley Rd, Guelph ON N1K 1X5
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Évaluations et commentaires - Tranquil Body Solutions

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I followed my favourite esthetician Jocelyn to her new location at Tranquil. Previously at Fresh salon and spa. Had a pedicure and my eyebrows waxed and tinted. Always love the wonderful job she does. I love quiet relaxing atmosphere at the tranquil

Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

Tranquil Body Sol...

Tranquil Body Solutions has new ownership, they are very friendly and accommodating when you stop in without an appointment. The hair cut was excellent! I would high recommend the Salon.

Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

Never again..

I used to go to Tranquil Body Solutions for trims/maintenance on my hair (it's very long-don't want to cut it). Yesterday I popped in and the place was empty but they said they couldn't take me in at that time. I told them I wanted a cut & color. I asked how much would it cost? It took 2 of them to mull it over (the owner & a hairdresser) then I was told $160.00. I should've left it at that because everything in me was screaming "don't do it!"-I have been to every comparable salon in Guelph & Kitchener, this by FAR was an outrageous quote. I came back for the appt. The girl was in a fowl mood no bones about it. (To be fair, she had always previously been pleasant with me) She still tried to keep the convo flowing but it was just painful. I was tense the entire time I was in there. The owner was in the shop and maybe that was the "fly in the ointment" but I'll tell you, there was so much tension in that room you could cut it with a knife. End result, had a mediocre hair cut, had my back washed while she was rinsing my hair, had to stand up through the duration of my haircut. Are you KIDDING ME? I have never had to stand for a cut except in this salon. Went to pay the bill..I watched the owner whisper over to the hairdresser asking how much to charge. Remember the OWNER gave me the quote only 2 hours prior. So now it was an arbitrary # they could just pull out of the air. $180.00!!! Ok so that is my own fault. I was being placated by the hairdresser who said Ohh but "it's a treat" to spend this $$ on a haircut. Well, NO. It would have been a treat if it was a nice, relaxing salon experience. Then maybe I could have justified the price. I cannot. Never again. You have lost 3 customers!!

Service: 1/5
Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

Réponse d'entreprise 18 septembre 2014

I'm sorry about your experience the salon is under new ownership hope you will come and give us a try.

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