Habitat For Humanity
700 Main St E, Milton ON L9T 3P6
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There’s a different kind of home delivery to be found in the former Milton post office at 25 Brown Street that has nothing to do with stamps, registered mail or parcel pick-up. As of June 2014, the Habitat for Humanity Re-Store opened its doors to Miltonians, providing the public with a prolific assortment of donated home improvement materials at deep discounted prices. The raison d’être for the home retail centre is to direct all proceeds to building a new Habitat for Humanity house at the intersection of Bronte and Barton Street that will become home to local, qualified families. The duplex will provide housing for a single mom with three children and a family of four with two daughters.

Habitat for Humanity has expanded its reach to include Milton, Mississauga and Burlington with the ambitious goal of building 75 homes over five years throughout the area. The Habitat for Humanity Re-Store is a value-driven enterprise explains manager Jamie McIntosh. “Our ideal goal is to put as much money into the build as possible. The more we can reach out to the community to let them know we are here, the sooner we can get those families into their houses. That’s the end result for all that happens here.”

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