
Langues parlées

  • Anglais,
4-575 Thornton Rd N, Oshawa ON L1J 8L5
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Heures d'ouverture *Horaire des Fêtes

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  • 11 $ à 25 $,

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If you enjoy the smoked meats of Montreal, it’s worth making a trip to European Gourmet Deli to taste the famous delicious smoked meats of Eastern Europe. “Our clients vary from first- to third-generation people who are Croatian, Macedonian, Romanian, Serbian, German, Austrian, Bulgarian, Balkan, Polish and also from my homeland, Hungary,” says owner Agnes Siegel. “They like to shop at my store for the food they grew up eating with their families. We also love welcoming Canadians who want to try something different.”

When Agnes says “we,” she means herself and her small and knowledgeable staff. “I don’t see myself as their boss; I see them as family,” she says. “They know just as much as I do about every single product in the store, so they can point customers in the right direction. We sample everything that comes through the doors and can describe the taste. All of my staff have Eastern European heritage so they know all the classic dishes.”

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