315 Roncesvalles Ave, Toronto ON M6R 2M6
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Sheila Koffman wasn’t always a bookseller. In her previous incarnation she had a stable government job. “It was a steady paycheque; running a bookstore might not pay as well, but this is much more exciting,” says Sheila who opened her Roncesvalles bookshop in 1987. When you think of the famous names that have come through her store — David Suzuki, Stephen Lewis, Judy Rebick — book selling is downright thrilling.

Another Story Bookshop doesn’t just sell paperbacks and host launches, the shop also provides books for publishing industry events, including Suzuki’s public lectures and the unveiling of Naomi Klein’s latest tome. “I’m really lucky. I go to all these amazing events as part of my work. I get to meet authors and talk to them.”

After over 25 years in business, Sheila has also attracted the admiration of local authors and publishers herself; the Canadian Booksellers Association has twice nominated Another Story for Book Seller of the Year.

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