35 Golden Ave, Toronto ON M6R 2J5
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It is every little girl’s dream to one day own a huge closet filled with colourful, elegant, sophisticated dresses. Kristy Wieber and Lisa Delorme of Rent frock Repeat are making those childhood dreams come true.

Thanks to their Canada-wide dress rental service, there’s no need to blow your paycheque on an evening gown you may only wear once or twice. Simply select a dress from the exhaustive range of styles, pick a date, and wait for it to arrive on your doorstep. Your choice of garment is registered along with the event information so you won’t arrive at a gala only to find your look has been scooped. And since the cost of renting a dress is a fraction of the retail price, you don’t require a fairy godmother to have your Cinderella moment.

“It’s not just pretty and fun. It makes a lot of sense,” says Lisa. “There’s no buyer’s remorse, no wondering when you’ll wear it again.” This is especially helpful for women who go to multiple work-related events with the same colleagues or clients, or for those who attend high-profile events where photographs are taken.

Rent frock Repeat also offers a selection of cocktail and party dresses so that their clientele has access to the latest trends without worrying about the longevity of a piece. And the accessories section provides a selection of purses and jewellery to finish off the look. The service even offers maternity wear for those looking to dress up their baby bump for a glam occasion.

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