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Évaluations et commentaires - MathPro Math Tutoring

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    Thank you for your continued help! My son is in grade 11 and was struggling with confidence when it came to math. He was anxious about writing the quizzes and tests and in just a couple months working with Nick, he has improved his marks and best of all his confidence continues to increase as well!

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Fantastic service. Helped our daughter regain her confidence with one-on-one tutoring that explains concepts better than her actual teachers. Lots of opportunity to practice problem sets along with real time feedback on progress. Excellent knowledge of material as well: 100% recommended!

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Our son has struggled with Math for much of his elementary years. We have tried multiple other tutoring services including private tutors as well as other larger organizations, and unfortunately had not found much improvement. We started with MathPro Crowfoot at the end of our sons grade 8 year, within 1 week (3 sessions) our son had improved confidence in his knowledge and abilities. We saw an increase in marks right away. His tutor Sye is patient, kind, and provides lessons in a manner that

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Scarlet is the best tutor I have ever had. She is so calm, patient, and amazing at explaining difficult concepts in math and simplifying them. I would highly recommend Scarlet as a tutor. The one comment I would make is MathPro's pricing is very steep. If Scarlet was not as amazing at tutoring as she is I would likely have found a cheaper option.

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    anna wong

    My daughter is currently receiving Math 30 tutoring. She was struggling a little and from the consultation, she was confident that she could bring up her mark. Mathpro was very accommodating with her busy schedule and we were able to find 3 nights a week without interrupting her other activities. Raymond is her tutor and even after a busy day, she is excited to meet with him. She says he's able to explain everything concisely and is not boring.Our only regret is not starting MathPro sooner.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    My son has improved his overall grade and go into the next lessons with more understanding and has made seen a 20% boost compared to the start of last year

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    Excellent experience for our son. He enjoys going to his sessions and his marks have increased significantly.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    MathPro was recommended to us and glad we decided to go with them! David was extremely accommodating last minute and always very flexible. My daughter’s tutor- Brian is very patient and helpful with going over concepts really well for physics 20. Would definitely recommend them for your child.

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    Omar Osorio

    MathPro has been a great success story for me and my kid. Jacob has been very good as a tutor and his teaching approach is amazing. My kid enjoys the sessions at MathPro and has been able to learn the Math topics that at school had been difficult to catch up due to the fast paced system.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    MathPro has been a fantastic support for our kid’s Math grade 9. The tutor is amazing, great at keeping them engaged and very committed. The staff is professional and very organized. We are grateful for accommodating us to their schedule.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    My son has been getting tutored for Math 20-1 for the last 4 weeks and we are so impressed with the results so far. His tutor has been so helpful breaking down the concepts in a way that he has been able to understand the concepts, not just being able to learn how to answer the questions as in the past. His marks are higher than ever and he has been going into each quiz and exam confident and prepared. Dave and the staff are very welcoming and approachable. Would highly recommend MathPro

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Math 9 was really inconsistent for my daughter. After 4 weeks with MathPro she is improving with a committed tutor. Professional, structured, and expectations are clear with schedule, work required and cost. I’m reserving the 5 star rating for when she no longer needs the tutor. Discount provided to encourage reviews.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    We are using MathPro to help our daughter with grade 12 maths. MathPro tutoring is certainly not cheap but we highly recommend based on the results achieved. We particularly like the engaging tutoring, proficient tailoring of contents and teaching style to the current needs of our daughter.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Excellent follow up and progress report system to support students and parents.

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    Math Pro is fantastic. They know their stuff and my son has really benefiting from it. They have helped him with Bio 30. I would highly recommend them. The tutor assigns homework and they go over at the next session. The fact that it is done by Zoom is convenient. All dealings with them from the initial phone call, registration and tutoring have exceeded our expectations!! I would highly recommend them

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    I am re-certifying as a Power Engineer and algebra & trigonometry are very rusty. My tutor at MathPro has been excellent, I am quickly gaining competence again which brings confidence required to write my exams in the future.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    We enrolled our son in math tutoring at mathpro and have been very happy since. We had used the services of 2 other tutoring companies and did not receive the results that we are experiencing at mathpro. The difference is that the owners are math people and know how to guide their tutors to best help the kid. They take the time to individually discover what the issues are before applying a specific solution for a specific problem. No two kids have the same issues. Happy to recommend them!

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    The first impression was its expensive compared to other tutors. They do have mandatory reporting after every session, which is great, and the tutors are qualified. My son has been in Oxford, Kumon, and other private tutors over the last 5 years, and he said they were not near as good as the tutor he has here. My sons math grade went from 43% to 75% in a couple weeks. Read more of the review on other platforms there is limited characters here.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    We enlisted MathPro to help with our daughter for Grade 9 math for the past month and continuing on. With the help of their great tutor, her improvement has definitely shown. Administration is always easy and quick to respond. We highly recommend!

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

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