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Designer Lisa Drader-Murphy is Canadian fashion royalty. After decades of international success, she has finally brought her unique line of womenswear to Toronto. She opened her retail store – which bears her name, Lisa Drader-Murphy – in the summer of 2016 on Queen Street West.

Operations director Samuel Drader is the company's champion here in Toronto. Charming and knowledgable, he is spreading the word to local ladies, letting them know just what makes this Canadian-made line of clothing so appealing and easy to wear. “If you ever need that certain dress that’s just right for an occasion, you’ll find it here,” says Sam. “We’ve always got something.”

Staple classic pieces, like a black shift dress, are always in stock at Lisa Drader-Murphy, providing a certain comfort and reliability to styling your day-to-day outfits. But since the line is made and designed with some really innovative, transformable styles, there is also always something new to be found. “We don’t mass manufacture anything,” says Sam. “We cater to the woman who doesn’t want to be dressed like everybody else. We have the full spectrum, from clean and classic to funky and fresh.”

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