A, 111 Roncesvalles Ave, Toronto ON M6R 2K9
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“Every piece of artwork that you cherish—from your favourite band poster to a precious family heirloom—deserves to be preserved properly,” explains Tamar Mignon. She and her husband David first opened their custom framing and art business in May 2004. Named after the couple’s favourite Manhattan neighbourhood, SoHo Art & Custom Framing is a full service picture framing and gift store located along the busy Roncesvalles strip in Toronto’s west end.

Both Tamar and David have an extensive background in art and design and take great pride in working with homeowners, artists, interior designers and corporate clients to provide a comprehensive variety of professional services including custom and ready-made frames, art hanging systems, canvas stretching and giclee printing.

The store also offers photo and artwork restoration, art installation services, and custom-made shadow boxes for larger objects and family heirlooms. “People bring in everything from baby shoes to old cameras to sports memorabilia,” notes Tamar.

Évaluations et commentaires - Soho Art Custom Framing Inc

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    Really poor customer service!

    A month ago I took two pieces in to be framed. When I went to pick them up they had done one with the wrong frame. I was assured by the sales person that I had paid for the right one but the wrong frame had been sent by their supplier. So now a MONTH later I returned to pick up my painting only to be told that I owed more money. The sales person (of course - the same one that made the mistake to begin with) offered no apology. The increased cost was negligible. However, given that it was their mistake and I waited a month to get my painting I would have expected some sort of acknowledgment and ownership on their part. Obviously a couple of bucks is worth more than customer satisfaction! I will definitely not be returning. There are plenty of good framing stores in Toronto and I recommend that you would go to anyone of them rather than Soho.

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