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  • Anglais,
104-620 8th Ave SW, Calgary AB T2P 1G6
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When he opened up The Derrick Gin Mill & Kitchen in 2015, Nathan Newman forgot to read the fine print of his lease. It turns out there was a section on the lease giving him first rights to the space right next door. “I’d come over here to store some tables because we had a big event at The Derrick. I walked in and saw the space and immediately knew I had to do something,” Nathan explains.

A veteran restauranteur with a passion for fine liquor and spirits, Nathan decided to turn the place into a post-prohibition style champagne and bubbles lounge. On March 10, 2016, he opened up Untitled Champagne Lounge as the sister operation to The Derrick. “Champagne is the spirit – it is the richest. It is for kings, it is for celebrities, it’s for celebrating. It’s the favourite,” Nathan explains. “No one is in a bad mood when they’re drinking bubbles. There’s no angry way to say bubbles.”

If the Derrick is the downtown working man’s gin bar, then Untitled is its soft spoken bombshell sister. “Because we had such a masculine feel at The Derrick with the taxidermy and the brick on the wall, we thought we’d bring more of a sex appeal to Untitled and have more femininity and do something that would attract women,” Nathan says. “We were going for a little bit more of glitz and glam.”

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