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  • Anglais,
3826 Sunset St, Burnaby BC V5G 1T3
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In the heart of Burnaby, you’ll find El Inka Deli, a delightful place where Central and South Americans from across the Lower Mainland and as far away as Seattle have been coming for many years to enjoy a taste of home. At this small friendly family restaurant, you can expect generous portions of authentic Peruvian, Colombian, Ecuadorian, Argentine and Mexican cuisine at great prices.

In 2011, after more than 10 years working as a chef in top Spanish restaurants, Roberto Yanes yearned to run his own restaurant, and was presented with the opportunity to take over the immensely popular El Inka Deli.

Roberto cooks up loyal customers’ favourite home-cooked meals and delights the taste buds of new customers trying Latin food for the first time, while Vilma takes care of the front of the house, happily greeting customers with a bright smile as they walk through the door.

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