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  • Duracell,

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  • Anglais,
1258 Boundary Road, Burnaby BC V5K 4T6
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Batteries are what the Schick family knows. George’s interest and involvement in the battery industry began at a young age; his parents owned and operated a battery company in Calgary and he was always eager to help out. Armed with this knowledge and experience, George recognized the opportunity for a similar operation in the Lower Mainland and together with his wife, Judith, established Polar Battery in 1978.

Initially focusing on automotive and industrial batteries, George began introducing a wider range of products including laptop batteries, cell phone batteries, portable tool batteries and solar panel backup systems to remain competitive and adapt to the ever-changing trends in consumer demand and technology.

Like his father, George’s son Rob took a keen interest in the family trade and now handles Polar Battery’s solar business. One of the most interesting solar projects has been setting up and maintaining the battery backup and solar recharging stations on Mt. Seymour. “Definitely not our typical day at the shop, but one of our guys was sent up by helicopter for last month’s maintenance check.”

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