Aimee B Clothing & Accessories
105 9188 Glover Rd, Langley BC
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Many European cities offer exclusive shopping districts where style savvy customers can pick up unique pieces that inspire friends to ask, “Where did you get that?” Aimee Bird and her daughter Jessica have encapsulated that one-of-a-kind boutique shopping experience at their store Aimee B. Clothing and Accessories in the heart of Fort Langley.

Aimee first opened the women’s apparel and accessories store in Chilliwack in 2004 but moved the shop to beautiful Fort Langley two years later.  Aimee decided to relocate to Fort Langley because of the area’s village-like feel; she thought the charming neighbourhood would be a wonderful setting for a European-style boutique like Aimee B. Clothing and Accessories. “I had a passion for clothes,” says Aimee. “I saw an opportunity and I filled that niche.” The shop's European flair makes it a destination store for the entire Lower Mainland. “It’s friendly, it’s relaxed. It’s fun. It’s an experience,” says Aimee. “You can browse as much as you like. There’s no pressure to buy.”

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