243 Sixth St, New Westminster BC V3L 3A5
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Nannette Rouse, owner of Devine Deal Cake Decorating Supplies and Classes , was raised in a cake-savvy household—her mother was a wedding cake decorator—but it wasn’t until she began planning her own wedding that she had any sense of taking cake seriously. “I started taking classes myself because I wanted to make mini-cakes for our guests,” says Nannette. “And I just loved it. I could sit here all day and decorate cakes.”

Nannette's teacher, Norma, who had also instructed her mom in the art of cake, was the first to plant the idea of opening a cake decorating supply shop in Nannette’s mind.

“She would say, 'You need to open a shop, there’s only one out there and it’s a pain to get to.' So one night, I told [ my then-fiancé] Stephen and he was like, 'Why not?'” says Nannette.

While Devine Deals is Nanette’s first entrepreneurial venture, she had plenty of logistical support it getting started. Her now-husband Stephen worked as a Certified Management Accountant in the UK before moving to Canada to be with with with Nannette, and with this experience, Stephen was able to provide a strong business background to complement Nannette’ss creativity and passion for cake decorating. And so, while the two made preparations for their wedding, they also started working on Devine Deals.

The mini-cakes that launched Nannette’s passion for cake-making were a hit with she and Stephen's wedding guests and, since 2011, Devine Deals has been a hit amongst Lower Mainland cake-decorating enthusiasts.

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    I found this store online and dragged my husband with me, living in North Van, New West was a lot closer than our other option in Langley. The drive was so worth it, helpful staff and large range of tools and supplies. As a rule I hate working with fondant, but after talking to a guy who works there, who seemed to understand and gave me a lot of helpful tips and advice. Worth the drive.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Horrendous Customer Service

    Ordered online from them, when they did not ship within the time frame they specified I inquired asking if it was a scam since I had never heard or dealt with them before. Rather than reply assuring me everything was fine, a Stephen John sent me a scathing email threatening legal action and telling me never to shop at their site again. As if I would after receiving an email like that. They also charged me $15 shipping on a $30 order. Should have gone to amazon as I could have got free ship.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

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