Barb Komar RN RCC
200-1460 Main St, North Vancouver BC V7J 1C8
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Obtaining the right medical treatment in an often overtaxed healthcare system is nowhere more evident than with mental health care. Not only are there often significant hurdles to obtaining care, even today there is still a great deal of stigma and misunderstanding around mental health issues.

For the primary practitioners at Coast Pregnancy and Postpartum Counselling, Barb Komar and Kerry Anne Holloway, this is especially true with women’s reproductive health. Many women encounter postpartum depression, anxiety and a range of other emotions and symptoms during what is expected to be one of the most joyous times in their lives; yet, they often have a very hard time getting those issues either diagnosed or treated.

As Kerry Anne explains, “We decided when we were working together that we should take the specialized services we were providing at the hospital and make sure they were accessible to women out in the community as well.”

Évaluations et commentaires - Barb Komar RN RCC

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