Attic Hair Studio
1-2108W 4Th Ave W, (Suite W 4Th), Vancouver BC V6K 1N6
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At The Attic Hair Studio, stylists work with clients to make sure their cut, style or colour is easy to match and maintain long after their appointment has ended.

“Oftentimes you leave the hair salon and you get home and you can’t replicate it,” says Shelby Turner, who co-owns The Attic Hair Studio with stylist Kara Gilbertson. “We really help people to maintain their style at home. We want to guarantee their style.”

The key is education, says Shelby. “We can show you what’s going to work best for your hair type, and how to maintain your style.”

She believes that hair can help to create an amazing look, but only if clients know how to use it to their full advantage. That’s where The Attic Hair Studio’s stylists come in, walking through each step with their clients to help them look as good as when they’ve just left the salon, every day.

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