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534 Pender St W, Vancouver BC V6B 1V3
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“In 2002, I was abroad in South Korea. I went to sleep one night and had a really clear, vivid dream that I owned a doughnut shop,” says Jordan Cash, owner of Cartems Donuterie. “I was serving gourmet doughnuts on a plate, with knives and forks, and the name of the doughnut shop in the dream was Cartems, which is not a real word, it doesn’t mean anything, but that’s just what it was in the dream.”

Jordan wrote the details of his vivid dream down and never forgot it. Ten years later, he opened Cartems Donuterie in Vancouver.

“There’s a market for a quality-made treat that is made with a lot of love and care,” Jordan explains. “Doughnuts are everywhere, but a good doughnut is hard to find.” Working exclusively from scratch, using high-quality ingredients, and perhaps most importantly, preparing each batch with special attention and care, Cartems Donuterie creates doughnuts that transcend coffee-shop pastry to become a delicious, memorable indulgence.

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