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567 Hornby St, Vancouver BC V6C 2E8
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In the Lower Mainland, we can state unequivocally that we have a love affair with the intoxicating aromas, spices and complex tastes for which South Asian dishes are famous.

At Copper Chimney Indian Grill & Bar, executive chef Jaroslaw Faryna has created a menu bursting with a culinary cornucopia of flavours in every dish.  At first glance, you might wonder, 'What does a Polish-born, Russian and European trained chef know about Indian cuisine?' Well, as it stands, a lot.

When he was barely in his teens, Jaroslaw was awarded the distinction of Master Chef of a Polish bakery and restaurant. Inspired, he went on to attend culinary school, earning his "Master Chef" status. Jaroslaw mentored and worked with kitchen teams in some of the best hotels and restaurants throughout Europe before immigrating to Canada in 2008. By 2010 he was creating meals for stars including Michael Bublé, Erik Estrada and many others, so it comes as no surprise he took the helm of Copper Chimney two years later.

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