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  • Anglais,
1066 Mainland St, Vancouver BC V6B 2T4
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Although Stani Oben enjoyed her former career as a successful physiotherapist, baking was always her true passion. “Since I was a little girl I loved spending weekends in the kitchen,” she says of being trained in the Old World European tradition of baking.

However, it wasn’t until one night in 2010 while watching a television show about the plight of underprivileged children, that the idea for her very own pie shop began to take shape. Stani recalls, “I turned to my husband and said, 'Why can’t we have a business where we can help send money to aid unfortunate children?'”

Stani, along with her husband and co-owner Chris Oben, founded Lime & Moon Pie Company on Bowen Island, offering a rotating assortment of sweet and savoury pies inspired by seasonal ingredients. It wasn't long before local residents embraced her hand-baked 100 per cent organic pies.

Following the success of her first location, Stani decided to open a second outpost on the mainland. Lime & Moon Pie's Yaletown location opened in 2015 and soon became a neighbourhood staple among local pastry fans.

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