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4125 Main St, Vancouver BC V5V 3P6
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A spinoff of Surrey's beloved Honeybee Centre, Main Street Honey Shoppe opened its doors in 2013 to bring Honeybee Centre’s farm-fresh honey, apitherapy products and honeybee advocacy to Vancouver.

“We had a lot of customers throughout the Lower Mainland, but for some it was a bit of a long drive to pick up a few jars of honey,” explains owner Tony Lovse.

While Tony and his team see many loyal farm customers who love the convenience, he says the vast majority are new faces just discovering their variety of high quality honey products.

“We offer all our own honey products, of course, and we also have a broader range of imported products here than we do at the farm, including some specialty honeys from Europe and elsewhere that we’ve brought in based on customer requests.”

All visitors are treated to a honey tasting by Tony and his team, which is just part of the honey experience you’ll discover at this friendly neighbourhood shop.

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