On Time Optical
843 Broadway W, Vancouver BC V5Z 1J9
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In business, trust is gained over time by providing good quality and reasonable prices. A case in point is Tru-Valu Optical, which has occupied its location on West Broadway since the mid-1970s. Customers have come to rely on the dependable shop, with many who first visited the store when they were in their 20s still coming back as senior citizens for their glasses, lenses and eye care.
“We’re not a high-end store. If you want good value for your money, if you want nice glasses and good lenses, where you’re not going to pay an arm and a leg, Tru-Valu is a great place to come,” says owner Joseph Mireault. “Three of our staff here have 80 years combined experience. We really pride ourselves on providing value and service,” he adds.

Joseph took over the business in 2007 and made several changes since then to enhance Tru-Valu’s offering. For example, in 2010 he added the services of a full-time optometrist, so that customers can come in for eye exams, and in 2013 he added hearing testing services. It’s all part of giving customers what they need. “We try to talk about value and finding the most suitable glasses and lenses for the person. What do you need? What's your lifestyle? Are you on your computer a lot or are you a sports person?” explains Joseph.

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