Independent Mechanical Supply Inc.
310 Carlingview Dr, Etobicoke ON M9W 5G1
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For Dave Walker Sr. and his team at Independent Mechanical Supply, giving the customer the best possible experience is their entire focus. He spent years working for a much larger company with his now-business partners, one that he felt sacrificed expected customer service for bigger profits. Eventually, they all decided to open up their own shop.

“We all worked for a supplier in the past,” President Greg Tester explains. “It was sold to a big multi-national and we decided that wasn’t for us. We got the genius idea of opening our own wholesaler, and here we are.”

First opened in 2009 in Toronto, Independent Mechanical Supply soon expanded to a second location in Scarborough. With the second location, the entire team can help more contractors. “Our regular customers come to us every day,” Greg says. “The second location helps us keep those customers by giving them another location to pick up from. If we aren’t convenient, they’d have to go to somewhere else.”

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