
Produits et services

  • Maillot de bain,
  • #achatlocalenligne,

Langues parlées

  • anglais,
135 Byron St N, Whitby ON L1N 4M8
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In 2005 Oprah Winfrey dedicated an entire show to fitting women with the right bra sizes. She found that about 80% of women wore an ill-fitting bra, contributing to sore backs and shoulders and a figure that doesn’t wow as much as it could. Nancy Elms, owner of J’adore Intimates, feels that Oprah’s statistic is still accurate and opened her Pearson Lanes shop in 2012 to change that. Inside the cozy and elegant boutique women can be fitted for bras that sit right and pick out sleepwear and swimwear that feel right and flatter the figure.

“I wanted to work with women and help them feel better and good about themselves,” Nancy says of her motivation behind opening J’adore Intimates. “A lot of women will just go into a store, buy whatever size they’ve been buying for the last five, 10 years and think it still fits, and don’t realize it doesn’t.” But by the time they’ve been properly fitted, Nancy says their reactions are those of relief and joy at finally having a bra that looks and feels good.

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