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2244 Hastings St E, Vancouver BC V5L 1V4
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In search of a bejewelled cow skull? This Monkey's Gone To Heaven has you covered. A taxidermied squirrel-beer-can-holder? They've got that, too. Books on wiccan spells and magic herbs? Definitely. Owned by humans Rachel Zottenberg and David Duprey, This Monkey's Gone To Heaven carries everything an oddity shop aficionado could ever hope for, its stylish Main Street digs filled nearly to bursting with taxidermy, curiosities and local and international art.

“It's been a wild ride so far,” Rachel says. “It's such a fun space. It feels like such a natural extension of my personality. It's funny, because people will come in and go 'This is the weirdest place ever'. And I'm like: 'Yeah. I guess that makes sense.'”

Although this is her first foray into retail, Rachel is no stranger to either the business or the art worlds. A former art curator at Grace Gallery, she – alongside David Duprey – has managed or opened a number of East Vancouver businesses, including Uncle Abe's, The Emerald, The Narrow and the now-defunct Rumpus Room. Much like This Monkey's Gone To Heaven, each of those spaces were assembled with an eye for design, and laden with antiques.

“The search for antiques and collectables is so addictive,” laughs Rachel. “It's hard not to want to bring that to other people. If it's something you enjoy, and you have an eye for it, then it's a great thing to get to share.”

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