
Type de cuisine

  • Libanaise,


  • Pizza,

Langues parlées

  • Anglais,
3300 Fairview St, Burlington ON L7N 3N7
Information utile

Heures d'ouverture *Horaire des Fêtes

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  • < 10 $,

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Évaluations et commentaires - Halifax Original Donair

Quelle note donneriez-vous à cette entreprise?
  • Excellent
  • Très bien
  • Bien
  • Faible
  • Mauvais
  • Atmosphère:
  • Nourriture:
  • Service:

A family run Donair place with AMAZING, true-to-form Halifax style donair. I’ve never had a bad experience, the owners are so lovely and the prices are very reasonable for how much you get. Yum yum yum!

Atmosphère: 5/5
Nourriture: 5/5
Service: 5/5
Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

Finally a real donair in Ontario. I am from Halifax and could not wait until we went back for vacations so I could get a donair. I am a bit obsessed with these,and always pinned for the trip home. No need to wait now. The donairs here are better than any I have had in Nova Scotia and the staff is great.

Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

I agree with Highway Star

the portions are generous and of a great value. However, after having Sammy's for so long, I found this donair to be greasy, and way, way too much garlic. I am normally a garlic lover - so believe me when I say, it was too much! - also the pita was very thin, and does not hold the contents well enough. - It was soggy less then half way through eating the donair. Lady at the counter was friendly and efficient - I will try this place again but likely I will try something else.

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I haven't tried the donair here but have had the donair pizza. The service was friendly and the man at the counter seemed to know what he was talking about. Until we got our food. Brandon asked if he thought that the slice should be heated up more (because it was just in a twirly heat lamp slice display) and the man said that was providing adequate heat for the slice. Which may have been so, until he slapped on ice cold donair sauce, chilled tomatoes and onions. The slice was cold. I would have preferred warm pizza. I know i would have enjoyed it thoroughly had it been hot. That's why I'm going to follow my gut the next time and tell the guy to throw it in the oven. ;)

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what a mess

I'm from NB and I've eaten a lot of donairs. The thing they served me here was kinda like a donair only open-faced and over-priced. The meat and sauce were authentic but they keep the sauce and other ingredients near freezing so everything is cold by the time you dig in. The pita is too small so you can't wrap it properly. The lady behind the counter is nice. This sure isn't the same as king of donair back home. I'd never go back

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This is the only place I've been (other than the original location in Milton) that serves a real Halifax donair, with proper sauce. Donair sub, donair pizza, donair, I've had them here, and they're all excellent - on par with some of the better donair joints in Halifax. A little more expensive than down home, but it's a price I'm willing to pay. Judging from what I've seen at lunch time there, plenty of the locals here also enjoy the donair, even if they've never had one in Halifax. I used to look forward to going back home partly just for donairs, but now I don't need to.

Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ


Finally a decent donair in Burlington. We were so fed up with the high price, small serving, and miserable attitude from Sammy's. Halifax rocks with generous portions, friendly service, and they deliver. The donair I ordered dwarfed anything I could have ordered from Sammy's. Looking forward to trying the pizza. Highly recommend.

Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

For the love of donairs in Burlington!

So, so, so very happy that I don't have to drive from Burlington to Milton get me one of them here Halifax donairs and Pizzas. Yeah this place rocks. Thank you Burlington Halifax Donair & Pizza for saving my life in Burlington from mediocre donairs.

Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

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