
Produits et services

  • Toilettage pour chiens,
  • Toilettage pour chats,

Langues parlées

  • Anglais,
161 Withrow Ave, Toronto ON M4K 1C8
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Heures d'ouverture *Horaire des Fêtes

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Ce contenu est uniquement en anglais

Store owner Peter Evangelou grew up in Riverdale, so he's witnessed it change throughout the years. “I was in Riverdale before Riverdale was Riverdale,” he laughs, referring to how gentrified the neighbourhood has become since his childhood. Now the happy owner of Petey's Grooming and Treats, he recalls how he used to pass the now-pet store every day. “It was always a variety store but none of them ever lasted.”

In 2012, Petey (as he is often called) exchanged his career in the restaurant business for the chance to open Petey’s Grooming and Treats in the again-abandoned building. He had watched the neighbourhood change, with more and more people moving in with pets. “I decided my store is what the neighbourhood needed rather than a variety store that kept on closing,” he says.

Petey’s Grooming and Treats is in the perfect location for pet owners. Withrow Park is across the street with a large enclosed off-leash area, as well as a popular neighbourhood café. “There is free parking and people can have a coffee while their pet is being groomed,” explains Petey. He has always been a huge animal lover but had to love them from a distance. “My mom was allergic, so we couldn’t keep my dog, Tika,” he says wistfully.  “This gives me a chance to have a thousand new dog buddies. I’m satisfied every day.”

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