Auto Guys
135 South Edgeware Rd, St Thomas ON N5P 4C4
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    I went to them wi...

    I went to them with a brake issue on one tire. They told me I needed to replace brake pads, calipers, rotors and bearings on both front tires. I took the car to another mechanic and he told me that only one bearing, one caliper, and both tire pads need replacement. I saved a ton of money by getting a second opinion and the car runs smoothly now. They tried to sell me premium parts without informing me that they had more economic options. I will not be taking my car back there ever again.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Réponse d'entreprise 27 avril 2015

    Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your experience with The Auto Guys. I am sorry your first visit to us was a negative one, feeling like we were¬ trying to up sell you and I regret that you are not satisfied with our company. You asked us to check a list of items besides the brake concern. With this information we advised you that we needed to do a brake inspection, check engine light diagnostics and the rest would fall under our courtesy inspection. You authorized the diagnostics which gave you the full picture of your vehicle along with an estimated cost of repairs. We then contacted you, explained everything on the list, and presented a total estimate for all repairs. We then did another estimate at your request, for the brakes only, as that was your main concern. At The Auto Guys we only use quality parts. We find this a better value for the customer for the following reasons: Lifetime warranty on the parts, two year warranty on labour, long life pad quality, they come with all applicable hardware, meet original equipment specifications, low brake dust and exceptionally quiet. With the premium pads they may be more expensive upfront but, in the long run with the warranties, they are actually cheaper. At The Auto Guys we care about safety and quality above all, and don't cut corners to make the sale. Again, I am sorry for any misunderstanding you may have had and hope this explanation had helped us to regain your trust and look forward to serving you again in the future. If we can be of any further help to you please do not hesitate to call at the number found in the listing.


    I would highly re...

    I would highly recommend the auto guys. They go above and beyond. They take the extra time to explain what's wrong and why they are doing it. There space is clean and inviting. And the guys that work there are always smiling and friendly. You will not be disappointed.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

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